Wild Tarot
Book a Tarot Reading
Got a burning question? Looking for guidance?
Get ready for some courageous self-awareness, with a zap of cosmic clarity!
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Well, you’re going to LOVE this!
I have been reading Tarot Cards for over 25 years. The stunning accuracy and insights that are deeply entwined in these cards, over time, are remarkable!
I offer 1-on-1 Tarot readings over the phone – I am also a qualified Astrologer. I studied this incredible science under the Universe’s BEST and highly specialised astrology teachers right here in Australia!
Examples of questions…
1. Is this a relationship question?
2. A business question?
3. A burning, flickering, highly-specific question?
4. Other?
Fees as at January 2024:
- 45 minutes – $90.00
- 30 minutes – $60.00
- 15 minutes – $30.00
- Payment is due on confirmation of your booking.
- Payment options are: PayPal, Bank Transfer or Square
I can also take payment over the phone using Square.
Business Hours
11.00 am to 7.00 pm
12.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Request a time for a tarot reading
Once you have decided on which option you would like, the next step is to fill out the form below. In the question part of the form please include as much information as you feel to. 🌸
I shall contact you to arrange your reading, please allow 2 to12 hours for me to get back to you.
Thank you in advance.
Warmest regards,
Carolyn 🌸
Book a Tarot Reading
Please note times available are ACST as I am based in Adelaide, South Australia.
Tarot is the art of divination used to foretell the future, or gain insight into a person’s life; be that love, business, health and much more. The question/s you may ask me, are the most important part of the reading. I will aspire to give you an accurate, genuine and insightful Tarot reading and I look forward to providing it to.
Warmest regards,
Carolyn Wild
Tarot Reader
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